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Egg Diet


Diet of eggs

Diet eggs is very suitable for healthy people. With her you can lose weight in just three days.
Consume only eggs, this is the secret of so rapid egg diet.

Even struggled with it, your success is assured.
After 3 days you will lose 2 to 3 kg, but this diet is worth.


If you are ready to start, diet mode you will look like:

  1. Morning fasting drink a glass of lukewarm water with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar.
    Then eat two hard boiled eggs.
    Lunch and dinner – eat also 2 hard-boiled eggs.
    Meanwhile, drink plenty of herbal tea (without milk and sugar!) and mineral water (non-carbonated).
    If possible, do not drink coffee.
  2. If, however, you can not or do not want to eat eggs so at once, do the following:
    Eat throughout the day 4 or 5 hard boiled eggs, divided into portions and allow yourself to them three slices of toasted bread (preferably wholegrain) without butter or margarine.
    Try different variations of cooking eggs (omelets that can be topped with a little cheese) but have no fat (if possible, choose baked and cooked options).

This diet should be followed up to 3 days and is only recommended for perfectly healthy people.
Egg diet is ideal to quickly clear the consequences of those little pleasures that you have allowed these days.
Accumulated excess calories will be gone in just 3 days.

Do not forget the fact that eggs are full of protein sources, and proteins are food for growth and development of muscles in the body.
From here, the more muscle in our body has, the more energy we spend and thus burn more calories.


Naturally Slim by Walking

women walking for weight loss

Fast Naturally Slim By Walking

You don’t require a fancy gym fitness center, You could be surprised to understand that you can lose a lot of weight in an all natural way just by taking a long walk each day.

Many overweight individuals, especially those who have arthritis or other problems have already discovered the benefits of walking.
It is the most dependable type of exercise & most people can at the very least take a walk round the wedge every day.

women walking for weight loss

The fact is that you won’t lose much weight by ambling or strolling along just.
You have to get sweaty for this or you won’t become optimizing how much it is possible to lose. You’ll be able to lose weight by walking slow nonetheless it shall take ages.
You should walk at an instant pace and keep it up for finally an full hour.
The faster your heart pumps the more weight you will lose.

The secret is — the more you walk the more lean muscle you shall develop.
Muscle burns more calories as you utilize it. Which means that you burn more calories as you have more muscular mass in general.

Keep this at heart.
In order to lose that certain pound weekly you shall have to burn off 3, 500 calorie consumption.
When it comes to losing weight it’s the quantity of distance that you cover that matters. Walking for a long time at a slow pace won’t do a lot for your weight reduction efforts.

Not only is walking the great thing for shedding pounds but it can also help prevent other disorders such as heart problems, cancer of the colon, diabetes, one more bonus is that walking might help keep your disease fighting capability within good working order.


12 Tips for Fast Weight Loss

Diet Tips for Fast Weight Loss

Difficult to lose weight fast and filling!

And for this there is a decision.
Just follow a few basic rules to Fast Weight Loss.


Quick and Healthy Weight Loss Tips

  1. • When cooking your food, start to cook the sauce only vegetables, for example 200 steamed carrots mash, seasoned with parsley and 1 tsp skimmed milk
  2. • For salad can replace sour cream with nonfat yogurt
  3. • Hour before meals is allowed to eat exotic fruit.
    This will quench hunger and contribute to a better metabolism
  4. • Treat yourself to a meal one last bite of protein – such as ’30 lean meat or fish may boiled egg and a glass of squeezed lemon.
    This contributes to the degradation of fats in the night
  5. • Avoid the use of salt.
    Replace it with spices and vegetables (radish, watercress), they improve metabolism
  6. • Drink a cup of coffee after eating espresso, possibly without sugar or diet.
    It will help to burn calories
  7. • Avoid a combination of fat and sugar, it accumulates in the body
  8. • Move much exercise, but it is best to fresh air
  9. • Forget about the clothes that are broad and cover disadvantages or those which bind the body and give a feeling of relief
  10. • To record everything that eating will take much time, so to reduce unnecessary snack between meals proceed by recording everything you put in your mouth
  11. • The easiest brake against hunger is mineral water.
    Drink every hour ¼, and you will get the desired amount and need for the organism from 2 to 3 liters per day
  12. • At frequent hunger eat oatmeal with skim milk and fruit

Fast Fat Burning Diet

happy woman

Fat Burning Diet

This diet stimulates metabolism and with its help you can lose on pound each day.

Fat Burning Foods

During the burning fat basement diet eat exotic fruits such as mango, papaya, pineapple and vegetables.
Authorised and intake of products rich in protein, such as fish, eggs, cottage cheese (low fat only).

happy woman

I suggest you sample regime of fat burning diet throughout the day:

I option
Wholegrain muesli – ’30, 1 l with flaxseed, 1 kiwi, ½ mango, 100, the yogurt and lemon juice.

Option II
1 slice bread, 1 liter of cottage cheese, 1 h l copper.
As a snack between meals to take fruit.

Lunch or dinner:
I option:
Balls of meal: Warm 0.2 liter low fat milk, add 4, the meal and 1 pinch salt.
Boil, stirring.
After cooled down to a stirred yolk.
Allow to complete cooling.
Meanwhile make sauce 2/3 of 200 berries (raspberries, blackberries, blueberries).
Formed into balls of cold meal and topped with fruit puree.

Option II:
Mix it 150 grams of mashed strawberries or raspberries, blackberries or blueberries with 150 grams.
Low fat yogurt and 1 vanilla with 2 l sprouts and lemon juice.
Pour in a tall glass and decorate with fruit.
Wiht shake can eat two biscuits of bread and 1 slice of low fat cheese.

Option III:
Meatballs, potato salad: Boil 200 potatoes and grate them on the large grater.
Thereto was added an egg, green and other seasonings.
Fried meatballs garnished with a salad of lettuce, cucumber, carrot and 1 lLow-fat yogurt.

High protein diet breakfast

High Protein Diet for Weight loss

You know someone who has tried it.
Probably you’ve even dabbled with one yourself.
High protein diets – they are everywhere in today’s weight-loss obsessed world. You can’t even go to the local grocery store without advertisements for protein diet foods popping up left, right and centre.

High protein diet breakfast

With such attention, you would think that high protein diets are the best diets ever.
That isn’t necessarily true, though.
It may help some people lose weight, but at the same time, a protein diet has some not so positive side effects, too.

First off, high protein diets may not be a permanent weight loss solution for everybody.
Sure, all those fad diets – no need to name names – promise that you will be fit and trim for life.
But some of these diets can be just too strict.
They either limit your intake of calories to near unhealthy levels, or they prohibit too many healthy foods – or both.

That’s not a formula for long-term weight loss.
Experts rail against these kind of limitations because they tend to remove too many nutrients from people’s diets.
For instance, any protein diet that cuts out nutrient-packed fruits and vegetables is a bad idea.

Secondly, even people who seem devoted to high protein diets tend to break away in time.
With the huge selection of food on the grocer’s shelf these days, it makes no sense – and is near impossible – to limit your diet diversity.

If these weren’t reasons enough to doubt high protein diets, there are more long-term consequences that everyone should consider.
The fact that doctors are not sure exactly what the long-term consequences are may provide pause enough.

The side effects of a High protein diets

The side effects of a protein diet that they do know about may put the icing on the cake.
High protein diets are known to cause constipation, nausea, and fatigue.

They may have a hand in heart disease and cancer.
And they cause condition called ketosis, a buildup of fatty compounds in your blood linked to gout and kidney stones.

Of course, when it comes to a protein diet, it’s up to each individual to weigh the pros and cons for themselves.
Then eat accordingly.

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